I’m Zanele Modiba and my interest is to help you find yours! With over a decade of marketing strategy and personal development experience, I am obsessed with sharing tools and information that will help you co-create meaningful work and build a career you love.

zanelemodiba.com is an online resource to help you find meaning in work and in life. I’m all about focusing on your focus and outsourcing the bogus! My goal is to help you create meaningful work and start living a life that is purposeful and fulfilling.

I really want to help you if you know you’re in the wrong career and can’t figure out a way to transition into your true calling. Perhaps you’re in the right field but you can’t function optimally in your environment? I’m a pro at making lemonade! Or how about this? You have a great job, great working environment, and a great boss, but you still have that dread at the pit of your stomach every morning. You feel blessed but generally you’re unhappy. I’ve got just the stuff for you. I find great joy in helping employees transition into entrepreneurs. The only prerequisite is the willingness to let go of your expectations of how and when your dream will manifest, and the unbridled resolve to work consistently at making it a reality.


Alter.Natives always look for the upside and recognise that the downside is an opportunity to gain experience.

You’ll notice that my site is Alter branded – this is because I love Alter.Natives! These are people who make a decision to perceive their life situation differently by focusing on the love and ditching the hate(rs). They decide they want change and accept that working for it is part of the deal. Sorry, I don’t believe in quick fixes. I believe in being decisive and actively pursuing your goals.

Alter.Natives always look for the upside and recognise that the downside is an opportunity to gain experience. They use their life as a platform to serve. I love me some talk, but you need to back that up with some walk. Are you an Alter.Native? Do you have the nerve to serve? If so, I would love to feature you on ZaneleTV’s weekly Coffee CornerSend me an email.

  • I regularly feature Alter.Notes. These are articles that help you cope with the issues we don’t talk about in the work arena. They are specifically targeted at “in-transit” Alter.Natives. Those of you who are still in full time employ and are searching for a way out, I got you as well! The topics I feature are usually reserved for no access boardrooms! They’re honest, light-hearted, and packed with useful alternatives. There’s nothing airy-fairy about them. I like practical.
  • You can also download The Alter.Native Manual if you’re looking for instant access to my philosophy on a creating a meaningful career and life. I also share some deeply personal experiences that helped me walk closer to my path and find my true purpose. Contact me to pre-order.
  • I also host live Alter.Native sessions and private consultations so check the site for details.
  • The Coffee Corner feature on ZaneleTV answers some of your most pressing questions about meaningful work and a purposeful life. On occasion, I invite an inspiring Alter.Native to unpack a few challenging concepts or life lessons for you. Please subscribe if you’d like to me send you free notes on Alter.Native Thursdays!